On some occasions, the Analysis Tools may provide incorrect or inconsistent results.
For instance, it may give ideal physical characteristics outside the feasible range: ideal power = 110 watts.
Another example is when the ideal values estimated by the tools based on semantic scales are very different from ideal values estimated by the tools based on multidimensional scaling.
This usually happens when there are not enough observations on the market.
For instance, if there are less than 5 brands on the new market (vodites, trigols or nutrites).
In this case, the linear regressions cannot be calibrated properly and the results are incorrect or inconsistent.
At this stage, the only possibility for the participants is to do “graphical” interpolations, using the charts available in the market research, in the chart entitled “Relationship between [attribute] and perceived [attribute]”.
Using these charts, they should be able to estimate the ideal product characteristics in the new market.
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